The 'Married Man' is a different type of species altogether and you may find he has an allure if feeling a little jaded after being on the singles-dating scene for a while. As a rule, the married man will go out of his way to complement you, always ensure your glass is filled, and an offer of dinner is never fraught with concerns about who will pay or whether you review should offer to go Dutch or not. If unsure about the marital status of a new man watch out for signs that will easily identify him as married. He tends to be secure in himself, confident, with seemingly little to prove to women. If after meeting him and assuming there was an attraction, he'll somehow find a way to have a card or flowers sitting on your desk the following day. Alternatively, if he emails or calls you he's openly enthusiastic about meeting up with you again. What can seem best of all is the lack of guesswork needed about whether he likes you or not. It can feel flattering and all too easy to relax and bask in the attentiveness shown by the Married Man. For some women it can feel like salve to a battered self-esteem after dating too many commitment-phobic single guys who apparently like nothing more than cruising bars and picking up different 'chicks' every weekend.
Tips, Advice and Damnation
If contemplating dating a married
man you might find it useful to throw 'dating a married man' into Google and
read the responses dating group you get. First
up are the tips on how to successfully date and keep the married man. You'll
also get contrasting advice on why you should re-evaluate your reasons for
accepting a status of second best. And of course, the response you expect is
also included, the one that judges you as the home-wrecker. Interestingly, the
tips suggest you never push your married man for answers and that you
"make the most of the time you have together." By contrast, the
advice informs you that you're putting your life on hold for a man who already
has commitments, so "just don't do it." And the view reflecting
societal, cultural or religious values will let you know in no uncertain terms
that what you're doing is wrong, that you will be punished at some point or at
least that you deserve to be.
Just a Bit of Fun?
Whatever your views are on the
subject of flirting with or dating a married man, they may well be dependent on
your circumstances or indeed your current status. For example, many women talk
openly review about how, when single and out
socialising, they saw the married man as a pawn who bought them wine, or
champagne they couldn't or wouldn't buy for themselves. And married men, very
well acquainted with this game, accepted this as the price to pay to have
attractive company around for an evening. Jump to another type of socialising -
the conference. After the event itself, the usual is for everyone to head to
the bar and shake off a day of presentations and PowerPoint. As the evening
progresses and alcohol continues to flow, friendships are strengthened while
new ones are created. In some cases, boundaries become blurred and an
opportunity presenting itself for a one-night stand with an attentive married
colleague might seem too irresistible to pass up on. All a bit of fun and of
little meaning you might rationalise at the time, but is it really?
Why Do Men Cheat?
According to anthropologist Helen
Fisher, men cheat, as it's a part of their genetic code, a throwback to a time
when survival of the species saw man spread his seed with abandon and with
little thought of monogamy or indeed fidelity. Well perhaps there is some truth
in that but what about now? For some married men, powerful ones, or even those
with a healthy expense account, a girlfriend is often regarded as a perk that
represents a perceived elevated status in life. We also have the men we know as
'players,' he is the type of man who is always open to whatever opportunity
comes his way. However, for the most part, many men find themselves cheating on
a spouse for much more mundane reasons and with little pre-thought or planning
having gone into it. As an example, take that alcohol infused one-night stand
at the conference or a night out in a club with friends and some attractive
women joining the group.
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